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The Pleasure of God

How sweet it is, when you know that you're doing God's will. It is so precious when the Father gently whispers to your heart, "You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."      The Father spoke those words over His Son when Jesus was baptized by John at the Jordan river. It’s interesting to note that as yet Jesus had not healed anyone, cast out any demons, or preached the gospel to anyone. All He had done to that point in His earthly walk was stay at home, take  care of His mother, and love His Father. And yet the Father says, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I  am well pleased.” In terms of kingdom business Jesus had to that point done absolutely nothing, and  yet the Father was “well pleased” with Him.      Applied to our lives, this truth reveals that God’s pleasure over our lives has a very little to do with the kinds of exploits we’re doing for Him. If you are seeking to please Him by working real hard for  Him, you are missi...
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Waiting on God in Prayer In Leviticus chapter 8 we are given description of the process of ordination for the office of priest for Aaron and his sons. The process involves washing of their bodies, being cloth in beautiful priestly cloths, sprinkled with blood and oil and at the end God gives the following command: “Do not leave the entrance of the tabernacle for seven days…remember you must stay at the entrance of the Tabernacle day and night for seven days…” Leviticus 8:33-35 As we’ve been involved in prayer ministry the last 7 years we have come to a realization that God is much more interested in what He wants to do in us, transforming us into the image of His Son than what He can do through us. Part of that process of transformation, developing and growing in passion for God involves the process of WAITING . Waiting is never easy, is not fun, if feels contra-productive, it goes against everything that our mind and body tells us but here are our few thou...

The Passion & Compassion of God the Son

Passion:     Jesus lived for the pleasure of the Father. He lived to please the Father in everything He did. He said that He came to do the will of the one who sent Him and out of love for the Father, Jesus does what the Father has commanded Him. Delighting in the embrace of the Father was all that He longed for. The Bible tells us that early in the morning and late at night He would be alone with the Father. The heart of Jesus was passionately in-loved with the Father and He was abiding in the Father's love. Jesus revealed His passion for the Father at age 12 saying that He had to be in His father's house Luke 2:49.      In John 17 Jesus reveals his passion when He prays for the disciples: Father I desire for them to be with me and see my glory...that you have given me because you loved me.... The passion of Jesus is the glory of God the Father, His presence, being with Him, beholding Him face to face....this was the ultimate passion of Jesus! ...

The Passion & Compassion of God the Father

                                                                 Passion:                                God the Father is passionate God, passionate Father. First: God the Father is passionate towards His son Jesus Christ. In both Matthew 3:17 during Jesus baptism and Matthew 17:5 the mount of transfiguration we hear the voice of the Father saying about Jesus: This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. With other words the Father is saying: this is the one whom I love the most, He is the most excellent, He is abo...

Corporate Public Worship

Last year in May our MakHOP ministry was hosting a team from States and on one occasion we were in the park, playing guitar, singing to Jesus and praying.  As I was standing on the side and kind of observing what was happening a thought came to my mind which I believe was inspired by the Holy Spirit. The thought was: Igor, worship was always meant to be PUBLIC. The thought came as a surprise not to say a shock to me as I was trying to figure out what does that mean. Wrestling with my own questions the thought continued: Igor, God is a public God, who wants to be known, seen, experienced and whenever you worship Him in public that becomes a public declaration and manifestation of who He is. Declarations of His greatness, beauty, glory, power and majesty... As I was trying to process all of this Holy Spirit quickly reminded me of many places in the Bible where worship was public and corporate. In this post I will mainly be focusing on public corporate worship and just briefly ...

Double Standard

Double standard is something that I've been thinking about for a while now and in this blog post I would like to address this issue as best as I can while still trying to fully understand it and get rid of it from my own heart. Let's start with two definition of what double standard is: "A double standard is the application of different sets of principles for similar situations" "A set of standards that applies differently and usually more harshly to one group of people or circumstances than to another"        The definitions are very clear and self explanatory but let's give few examples from our everyday life to get better picture: 1. When someone says that Russia has occupied and annexed Crimea without admitting and saying that EU, NATO and USA have done the exact same thing with Serbia and pronouncing Kosovo as independent state is DOUBLE STANDARD. Same goes other way around. 2. When EU demands from Macedonia to recognize the ri...

Jesus Christ, The Faithful Witness

In Revelation 1:2 John says that he is a witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ. In the verse 9b he repeats the same thing by saying that he was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. In between in verse 5 John describes Jesus as Faithful Witness. In Revelation 19:13 says about Jesus that His name is Word of God. John 12:49-50 "For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say." John 5:19 Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. John is seeing and describing Jesus as the faithful witness. Faithful witness to the Word of God, for He, Himself is called the Word of God, Jesus is a faithful witness...