How sweet it is, when you know that you're doing God's will. It is so precious when the Father gently whispers to your heart, "You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." The Father spoke those words over His Son when Jesus was baptized by John at the Jordan river. It’s interesting to note that as yet Jesus had not healed anyone, cast out any demons, or preached the gospel to anyone. All He had done to that point in His earthly walk was stay at home, take care of His mother, and love His Father. And yet the Father says, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” In terms of kingdom business Jesus had to that point done absolutely nothing, and yet the Father was “well pleased” with Him. Applied to our lives, this truth reveals that God’s pleasure over our lives has a very little to do with the kinds of exploits we’re doing for Him. If you are seeking to please Him by working real hard for Him, you are missi...
Waiting on God in Prayer In Leviticus chapter 8 we are given description of the process of ordination for the office of priest for Aaron and his sons. The process involves washing of their bodies, being cloth in beautiful priestly cloths, sprinkled with blood and oil and at the end God gives the following command: “Do not leave the entrance of the tabernacle for seven days…remember you must stay at the entrance of the Tabernacle day and night for seven days…” Leviticus 8:33-35 As we’ve been involved in prayer ministry the last 7 years we have come to a realization that God is much more interested in what He wants to do in us, transforming us into the image of His Son than what He can do through us. Part of that process of transformation, developing and growing in passion for God involves the process of WAITING . Waiting is never easy, is not fun, if feels contra-productive, it goes against everything that our mind and body tells us but here are our few thou...