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The Pleasure of God

How sweet it is, when you know that you're doing God's will. It is so precious when the Father

gently whispers to your heart, "You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."

    The Father spoke those words over His Son when Jesus was baptized by John at the Jordan

river. It’s interesting to note that as yet Jesus had not healed anyone, cast out any demons, or

preached the gospel to anyone. All He had done to that point in His earthly walk was stay at home, take care of His mother, and love His Father. And yet the Father says, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” In terms of kingdom business Jesus had to that point done absolutely nothing, and yet the Father was “well pleased” with Him.

    Applied to our lives, this truth reveals that God’s pleasure over our lives has a very little to do

with the kinds of exploits we’re doing for Him. If you are seeking to please Him by working real hard for Him, you are missing it big time. The thing that pleases God is heart that loves Him extravagantly, even if you are in a season of stillness.

    In fact, sometimes the Lord will test our hearts by forcing us to quit an area of fruitful ministry.

Here we are, serving God and loving it; and many people’s lives are being touched and changed

through our ministry. Then here comes God, and He pulls the carpet out from under us and everything stops. The Christian’s worst nightmare. It’s not until God takes away our ministry that we usually see the true motives of our hearts. While we’re functional we think our motives are so pure. But when God removes us from ministry, suddenly we find things surfacing in our hearts that we never knew were there. We find ourselves discontented and chafing under the divinely ordained restrictions.

    Then the Lord comes to us: “Why are you so upset? You’ve still got Me. Am I not enough for

you? Or do you also need your ministry in order to be fulfilled?”

    The Lord is jealous enough over us to purify our love. He wants us to love Him with all our

hearts, even when we’re on the shelf in terms of ministry activity.This is the thing that pleases His heart - an affectionate devotion that is expressed totally independently of all external circumstances.

This text is taken from the book: The Fire of God’s Love by Bob Sorge


    This short portion of Bob Sorge's book captures the meaning of the first commandment to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul and with all of our strength. Jesus said that this is the first and the great commandment. This is number one thing that is on God's heart when he looks at you, this is the number one priority of the Holy Spirit in our lives and this is what gives God the greatest pleasure.

    As we take our stand before God one day our lives will not be evaluated by the things we did for God and our achievements even though God will greatly reward us for that. But our lives will be evaluated through the lenses of the words of Jesus about the first and great commandment and how much our hearts grew in it, how much we reached out to live by it and how much our hearts expand in response to God's love for us.

    Jesus said in John 15:9 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love" and

later in John 17:23 He says the same thing that God the Father loved us as He has loved the Son. Can you imagine that as much as the Father loves His Son Jesus Christ, He also loves you?! The only way the Father loves is fully. Jesus finishes His prayer with the following words: John 17:26b ...that the love with which You loved Me may be in them... Mike Bickle says: It takes God to love God.

    This has been our prayer this last few weeks to grow in revelation and knowledge of the love

that the Father has for us and by doing so that we will respond in the same way with love towards Him. But it all starts with the One whose name is Love.

    And this is our prayer for you also that you will be rooted and grounded in the love of God and

that you will make John 17:26 your prayer also: Father, the love that you have for Jesus put it inside of me..


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