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One Month in Finland!!!

       It’s midnight here in Kemi, Lapland - Finland while I'm writing my first blog post and outside is a bright night and the sun is still shining. Ever since I arrived here each “night” I’m just amazed and filled with wonder about being light 24/7 and about the beauty and majesty of God’s creation that reflects His majesty, splendor, His brightness and glory...for sure this bright sunny nights made me think of Heaven :)

       It’s been one month since Mirjami and myself arrived to northern Finland. There wasn’t much time for both of us to relax and rest because two days after we arrived we took part of a 3 day conference followed by 3 day seminar organized by Mirjami’s father Lasse Pekkala Pastor of charismatic church in Kemi. With Mirjami we led worship while Mirjami was also translating. It was a good week of teaching and it gave me also a chance to meet some of the local believers and Mirjami’s friends.
       After few days of rest the next week was filled with meeting friends and supporters, sharing with them about our future plans. One very important thing that we were able to finish was to go to local legal marriage office and submit our documents for marriage. They need to investigate and validate our documents and inform us if they need more documents but officially our marriage registration before the legal government is scheduled for Friday, August 9th at 3pm and our wedding ceremony and reception will be the following day. But more about that in the next blog.
       We ended that week by taking part of another weekend conference in the city of Rovaniemi where we also led worship. Mirjami’s father on the last day of the conference surprised me by calling me on the stage to share my testimony but it all went well and I was also able to share with the people about our plans and ministry in Macedonia. During our stay there we were able to go one morning to the Arctic Circle which is also the home of Santa Clause. 

       Since God has called us to full time ministry one of our goals while being here is to raise support that would be enough for us to continue our involvement in leading the House of Prayer Ministry in Macedonia. Two of my supporters in the last year have decided to continue their commitment and support. While being here in Finland we are contacting the people that have been supporting Mirjami in the past and asking them to prayerfully consider to continue their support. So far we have had positive responds from most of them. Right now we are at 40% support being raised with possibility after with talk with everyone here to have 55-60% support raised. We are believing that by the time we go back to Macedonia we will have the full support and also believing that God will provide for all the expenses for the wedding preparation.
       All in all this have been one amazing and blessed month in Finland and I'm excited for the rest of the time we gonna spend here.

Please pray for:
  • Details around the wedding preparation.
  • Upcoming one day seminar that me and Mirjami are going to lead and teach on worship, prayer & intimacy. That’s happening July 7th.
  • Quality time between us, knowledge and wisdom in everything that we do and leadership of the Holy Spirit over us.
  • God’s continual financial provision. 


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