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Life & Ministry in Skopje

       It has been little bit over one month since we moved into our apartment and ended our long journey of sleeping at other people places. We have really cozy place and we feel at home living in it. Maybe the apartment is next to one of the busiest streets and yes we do live high from the ground 13th floor officially or 15th including the first two office area floors. There is just one more floor above us but it has it's own benefits also. The apartment itself gets tons of sunlight from morning till sunset which we love and enjoy at the moment because it makes the place warm even without heating. We enjoy the view no matter if is early in the morning, during the day or in the evenings. It is fun to see the city in all the different lights and seasons.

       Few days ago it was very cloudy and it was amazing to see the movements around the mountain overlooking Skopje. Mirjami didn't stop saying all day long; God is using His smoke machine :) look the mountain is smokey!!! I couldn't help but laugh on her comments.
The very next morning while reading her Bible she says to me: "Bow your heavens O, Lord and come down! Touch the mountain so that they smoke." Psalm 144:5 and she declares it; God is touching the city!

       Last Friday since we were not able to have House of Prayer worship & prayer time at our regular place we had it in our apartment. Even though it was just the two of us this time, it was amazing to have all the lights off, some candles lighten up, worship and love on Jesus while looking over the city and praying for God's glory to be revealed.
       When we are talking about House of Prayer ministry we've given ourselves fully to the responsibilities that we have. We have been thinking and trying to give more structure to the times of worship and prayer that we have while still giving room to the Holy Spirt. We are thinking and praying about adding another night of worship and prayer, adding a teaching part to the meetings as a way to remind everyone and ourselves why we do what we do, to encourage each other in going deeper after God's heart. Some of the other thoughts and ideas include; registering The House of Prayer Ministry before the laws, our second conference planned for next year but for all of that in some other update.

       Recently the pastor of the church that we attend return from a conference in South Korea and as he was preaching and sharing with the congregation about his trip he said that maybe we here in Macedonia have better worship music, we might even have better Biblical theology and maybe better preachers but what the Korean churches have that we don't is that they know how to pray. He kept on saying about the devotion and dedication that the Koreans have for the time of prayer, time devoted to read the word of God and giving room for the Holy Spirit. He said that we as a church have done lots of things, different events for reaching different people groups with NO or very little success and he encouraged and challenged the congregation that we need to devote ourselves to prayer and give complete freedom for the Holy Spirit. With Mirjami we were really encourage because for the last 2 years since House of Prayer ministry started we were praying that the church in Macedonia would be awakened for the hour of reality in which we are living and come back to the place before God in worship and prayer. For us as a couple to hear him share everything he did was just a confirmation for what God has called us here to do.

       We still continue to attend Glasnost Church on Sunday evenings. We enjoy going there more and more and we feel part of that small community of believers who are hungry and thirsty for more of God. They asked us if we would like to lead worship for them from time to time on which we gladly said yes and two Sundays ago we lead worship for the first time. We love the freedom during the worship time that this Church practices since it allows the Holy Spirit to move in us and through us and lead us in singing a new song unto the Lamb.
       I was reminded of the Moravian movement who had 100 year long continues prayer. They were rooted in the Word of God and devoted to prayer. They had strong sense of fellowship/community lifestyle and out of that their mission movement was born throughout the earth. John Wesley himself was deeply influenced by the Moravians and their intimate relationship with Jesus. Prayer, Fellowship, Mission are the main goals of this small church and I believe that in this days God wants to impart the same spirit that was on the Moravians on this church but also to the whole body of Christ in Macedonia. I believe that God is willing, the Spirit is ready and the only thing that God is waiting is for His church, His bride to make herself available to encounter the Bridegroom by setting aside plans and agendas and giving herself fully in seeking His face through extended times of worship and prayer. 

       In addition to all of this we have started to do Bible study and listen to teachings together as a couple and we've been deeply blessed by God and through His Word. Our hearts have been enlarged for His love and new hunger and trust for His Word has been stirred up in our hearts. Thanks to Kemi, Finland Pentecostal Church tomorrow we fly to Basel - Switzerland. We gonna attend weekend conference organized by Basel House of Prayer and excited to hear teachers as Allen Hood and Corey Russell from IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer - Kansas City). We are going to have a meeting with the Basel House of Prayer Leadership team, sharing our own personal experiences, encouraging each other and in that way establishing good relationship and seeing what God has in store for us in the future since we have direct and cheap flights.    

       These are truly amazing times to be alive as we as the messengers and friends of the Bridegroom prepare the way for His return, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are filled with gratitude and humbled by the love, desire that God has for us but also His trust in us. To call us His co-workers, to call us His partners in advancing His Kingdom. We are truly blessed to be used by God for His plans and purposes in our nation, to live a daily passionate life for His presence, to encounter the Fathers heart and to go out and be compassionate to the broken world all around us with His love in us.

Thank you for all of your prayers and your financial blessings because without your help we would not be able to do what we do! We love you and we pray abundance of blessings over your lives!!!  

P.S. I carried myself with my writings that I totally forgot to mention praise report concerning Mirjami's residence permit :) The whole proces turn out to be very easy for us knowing that Macedonian administration is not very efficient (kindly said) and each time they tell you of another document that you need :) Anyway on our first going to the office to submit our documents they just quickly looked into them and said to us to come back the next morning in order for Mirjami's picture to be taken for her Macedonian ID!!! We were shocked!!! Ten days after the picture was taken we return to pick up Mirjami's Macedonian ID which gives her the same right's as every Macedonian citizen!!!

Last thing on our documents list is to registrate our marriage in Sweden (Mirjami has Swedish passport even though she is born and raised in Finland) and once we registrate our marriage there Mirjami can then apply for new passport with her new last name.  





  1. Igor

    Good to hear your news and to know you are back in MK.

    Who is the pastor of the church you go to? Do you have any links with any other pastors or leaders in Skopje?

    We may see you sometime during 2014.


    Francis Kirby


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