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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

       It is that time of the season when we all are excited, running around, one more year is coming to an end, another year filled with moments of joy and sadness, moments of laughter and tears, moments of expectation and frustration and so on....  
       But it is that time of the season when we all realize that the greatest blessing and joy in love is simple found in being with our family members and those who are dear and close to our heart.  As we are about to celebrate Christmas, the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we are being reminded that He came to be with His family, with those He created and He loved. He couldn't bear the distance, He came down and took a flesh, He became one of us! The gospel of Matthew says that wise men came and brought gifts, gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And each one of this 3 gifts was a prophetic sign of who this child is. The gift of gold speaks about royal authority that this child is King of Kings, it speaks of His divine character. The gift of frankincense speaks about the prayer rising as incense and it speaks about Jesus being the Great High Priest who lives forever to intercede for us. The gift of myrrh spoke about His death and His burial.
       All of this tree gifts have a symbolic meaning for us also! The gold speaks to us that we are to be purified as gold by fire and that we are to have Christ-like character. The frankincense speaks about our own prayer life rising before God, speaks of us being kingdom of priests unto God who are called to stand and minister to His heart and partner with Him in establishing His Kingdom and releasing His will on the earth. And myrrh speaks about our own death, we are called to die to ourselves daily, to take up our cross and follow Him. We are called to walk in holy obedience to God and to His Word, we are called to say NO to the comfort and the pleasures of this world, to say NO to the apathy, lack of motivation, and more then ever before we are called to draw near to God, to set ourselves apart for God and the things that are burning in His heart, to devote ourselves to worship Him and pray and in that way prepare the way for great end-time harvest of souls and prepare the way for His return!!!

The Spirit and the Bride say COME! The Spirit and the Bride say COME! The Spirit and the bride say COME!!!


At home we've been listening nonstop the well known Christmas song; Oh come, Oh come Emmanuel, done by Justin Rizzo and the rest of the worship leaders from IHOP (International House of Prayer). It has been a real blessing to us and the last added chorus speaks so much deepness, revelation and cry of Jesus's heart longing to find rest and peace in our hearts! It is our prayer that the eyes of our heart will be enlightened this Christmas and that we all will grow in the knowledge of God!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!  


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