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Two Years House of Prayer - Macedonia

It has been two years since we started the House of Prayer ministry in Macedonia and almost two years I've been living in Skopje. 
Is funny to think that one simple sentence kind of started the whole ministry. After I returned from IMI internship in Amsterdam I had a meeting with few leaders from Skopje who wanted to start a House of Prayer and they asked me how to start one. I was a wrong person to be asked that question but in that moment I just said: you just start, no matter where, no matter how many people there is, no matter what you have or don't have, you just start small, just one meeting in the week, just two hours, just worshipping God and waiting on Him. 
Oops :) these leaders took me very seriously and the very next week we had our first Friday night time of worship and prayer, waiting on God. 
At that time I still had other plans, to go and serve God in Montenegro working with the local church there but one morning I woke up with a thought on my mind; why not Macedonia, why not now?
Thinking about it now it is amazing to see that God didn't say; you must stay here or you must leave, is funny to think that He just asked me one very simple question, why not Macedonia, why not now? I have no doubt that if I had chosen to go to Montenegro, God would have been with me, would have blessed me and used me but I couldn't shake off the thought for the whole day and the whole week so finally I decided to stay in Macedonia, move to Skopje and get involved full time with the House of Prayer.

So what is House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia? What is our vision and goal? Here is few sentences from our website that is still under construction: 

House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia is more than a ministry, it is an expression of Gods heart and desire to have a dwelling and resting place among us.
We believe that every church in Macedonia should function as a house of prayer, each christian organization should do ministry from that place of worship and prayer, each home, each person should be or it is a house of prayer in itself.  

We believe that this is a crucial time in which we are living. There is no time to loose but the church of God in Macedonia should wake up to the reality and the eternal purpose for which she was established to function as a bride of Christ, through intimacy preparing herself ready for the coming of the bridegroom, Jesus Christ, rooted in the Word of God, walking in the priestly identity.

It is our desire to call the church of Macedonia to that place of first commandment , to love God with all of our hearts through worship and prayer so that as a church we will fulfill the great commission to go out and make disciples.

House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia goal is not to become a church but to simply minister to God! We want to help and inspire the local churches to develop deeper prayer ministry and in that way to become a dwelling place for God that goes beyond our weekly two hour services.

It is clear from the history that every revival came as a result of people coming together in unity, humility and brokenness before God to simply worship Him and seek His face. This is something what we want to see in Macedonia, church united in prayer, crying out with one voice, one song and one desire, for heaven to invade our nation and our region until we see the fulness of His glory when He returns.

What is our vision:

As a House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia our main desire is to minister to Gods heart by standing before Him, in His presence, worship Him and exalt Him simply because He is Worthy of our praises, He is Worthy of our devotion, He is Worthy of our time.


As a House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia we desire out of that place of intimacy, worshiping God, to encounter God and partner with Him through prayer and intercession according with the desires of His heart and according with His Word.


As a House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia we desire out of that place of intimacy, out of that place of prayer and intercession to know the heart of our loving Father so that we will be equip, overflowing with His love and compassionan to go out and minister to the people around us according to the gifts that God has given us and according to the place of ministrie He has placed us to be.


What is Our Mission:

We want to facilitate a place where everyone can come and spend time in Gods presence, in atmosphere of worship and prayer, centered around the Word of God.


We want to serve as a House of Prayer for the whole city of Skopje and the nation of Macedonia and in that way be a blessing for every believer, church, Christian organization and the whole country!


At the same time we look to encourage and inspire every church/organization to become house of prayer/prayer room in themselves by finding and establishing their own suitable way of expression of worship and prayer and in that way minister to Gods heart so that out of that place we all will be strengthened and equiped to do the mission that God has called us to do.

Our Schedule:


Monday 7pm - Worship & Meditation on the Word of God

Friday 7pm - Worship & Intercession


If you are a worship leader, if prayer is important to you, if you feel a calling to be an intercessor or if you simply want to develope intimacy with God by spending time in Gods presence with His Word together with other believers you are more than welcome to come and take part in our weekly schedule.


You can get involved by leading worship, leading the prayer or simply being there will be an encouragement to you and to others. Please contact us for more information of how you can get involved and how you can minister to Gods heart and in that way be a blessing for your home, family, church, your city and for the nations.


If you would like us to come and share our vision with you personaly or with your church, homegroup, organization we are more than willing to meet with you and do that.

We are also available to come and teach more on the topics of worship, prayer and intimacy with God.

We hope that this information on our website will help everyone to understand better what is our vision and goal.

We are really encouraged and excited for the things that God has for all of us in Macedonia and the Balkan region and it is a joy and a blessing to partner with God in fulfilling His plans and purpose in Macedonia!!!


  1. Amen! I am excited about this very significant ministry, encouraging all of us to seek God intimately in prayer and worship, which results in an overflow of outreach. Thanks Igor & Mirjami

    1. Thanks Adam. We are in this together, each one of us doing his/her part. Great to know you and have you serving faithfully in Macedonia!!!

  2. It is so good to know that God is raising up a Tabernacle of David in Macedonia. Just as the Apostle James spoke in Acts 15:16-17 After this I will return
    And will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down;
    I will rebuild its ruins,
    And I will set it up;
    So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,
    Even all the Gentiles who are called by My name,
    Says the Lord who does all these things.

    In the heart of the Balkans. Let us pray for Igor and Mirjami to stand strong.

  3. Thank you Balkan Prayer for praying for us. We strongly believe that it is a time for a mighty move of God in the Balkans and the place where everything starts is standing before Him and ministering to Him.

  4. God bless you richly for what you are doing! Prayer, just like worship, is engaging with God. And as I travel around the world, I encourage others to live lifestyle worship. You have also reminded me that prayer, reading of the Word, preaching, teaching, giving of the offering...these are elements of worship...calls of action to pray and worship God. May the Lord overwhelm your ministry beyond your imagination! Pastor David Ritter, Church Worship Consultant, Phoenix, Arizona.


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