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MakHop - Passion for Jesus Conference: Worship, Prayer, Mission

       It’s been one week since we finished our 2014 House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia PASSION FOR JESUS Conference. The Conference was great and having only Macedonian speakers was a good call too. All credit for making this conference happen goes to my wife since without her I would have canceled it since the American speaker that we were planning to have wasn’t able to come. The lesson I learned from this is very simple: listen to you wife Igor.

       We had around 30 people attending the conference mainly youth even though we had almost 50 people registered. That always makes you feel little bit sad because when you plan something like this you have certain hopes and expectations to reach and see as many people as possible especially when they said that they will come. Nevertheless we are thankful for everyone who was able to come and everyone who was able to attend just one part of the conference.

       Igor spoke on Worship from the aspect of Tabernacle of God being a place of worship and the ministry of the priest’s being a ministry of worship unto God and partnership through intercession explaining that the role of the temple and the ministry of the priest is still the same today as before. Mirjami spoke about Worship, taking us through Psalm 27 exposing the heart of King David and challenging us to be people after God’s own heart. 
       One of our guest speakers spoke on Prayer and really put things in right perspective. Orthodox churches have at least two services daily. Mosques have five times a day call to worship and prayer while the average time of worship and prayer in the Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant churches is around 30 minutes per week. The message wasn’t easy to hear but the challenge was that God is looking for a heart where He can come and dwell in fulness. 

       Our last speaker spoke on Missions explaining that as God’s ambassadors we are called wherever we go to represent and bring His presence. 

       Having Igor’s friend Stephanie (who Igor knows from the time when he was working at youth centre in his hometown) who in the atmosphere of worship, prayer and teaching from the Word was painting was a joy and blessing.

       Beneath you can read some of the feedback that we got from some of those attending the conference. Their words, responds and experience is more then encouraging for us to continue with what we have been doing believing God for greater things, deeper revelations from God’s heart for every believer and deeper intimacy with Him.

“I really liked the conference. I like the explanation of the existence of the House of Prayer in the time of King David. I never paid much attention on those verses but now after the conference they have completely new meaning for me in connection with the House of Prayer. It was great reminder what is our calling, to adore and worship God, to pray and proclaim blessings in His name....Thank you for that.”

“I found the conference very inspiring and refreshing. There is something really valuable about events like this, where worship and prayer are central not only as topics but as practices on the event itself. This kind of events remind us where everything starts and where everything is headed - into the presence of God. The speakers did great job delivering very well thought message that came from their hearts. Even when I disagreed with some of their conclusions I heard hearts that were crying for more from God and were inviting others to do the same!”

“It was great to be present on this conference. I was really touched by the things that have been said and they were confirmation for the things I need in my life and I was really challenged. It would be great if you can organize more conferences and meetings like this because I believe it will be a blessing for everyone who wants to come back to God with all of their heart.” 

“I like the conference and I learned a lot by everyone who spoke. I especially liked the explanation of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament and how we can see that also in the New Testament and that explain a lot of things to me. The worship was amazing.”

“For me it was very deep, the teaching that there is no prayer without worship and worship without prayer. The explanation on David's revelation about what's happening in Heaven and applying that on earth gave me a better understanding on what is the goal of the House of Prayer. I am more aware on the importance of prayer.”

“I was deeply touched by all the teachings. I have a clear understanding now on what we have to do: to pray, to worship and then to do mission. I am more hungry to pray and worship than ever before. It was so good to have a full day to be focused on God, worship and prayer.”

“I was challenged to try and spend two hours each with the God.”

“I really enjoyed the conference especially the worship. All the teachings and speakers were great but I was mostly touched by the teaching done by Pastor Venco who spoke on prayer. It was very powerful, said not with shouting but quietly but still very deep and powerful. This last period of time I’ve been listening a lot of messages on prayer and I’ve been reading about prayer. I hope that very soon you will organize something similar and I will defiantly come.”

“I haven’t been coming to the House of Prayer meetings for the last few weeks and I just realized how much I miss it. I must try and organize my time and start coming again.”

       We are looking into an opportunity of having our friend Kirk Bennett from IHOP coming and visiting us this Fall and we hope and pray that we can organize one day seminar with him open for everyone to attend and that we would be able to visit few churches. 
       You can follow House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia activities through our website:  or through our Facebook page:

       Building dwelling and resting place for God in Macedonia!
House of Prayer - Skopje, Macedonia


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