“That night Paul had a vision. He saw a man from Macedonia pleading with him; Come over to Macedonia and help us”. Acts 16:9-15 While meditating on this text almost 2 years ago now I've noticed something that I haven't notice before. Paul in his vision saw a man but when he went down to Philippi he met women who according to the Bible were gathered at the place of prayer. I'm sure Paul was surprised :) While I was laughing about what Paul might have been thinking I felt that God was highlighting 2 things: First: I believe that God wants to restore the worth and value of the women in Macedonia and He wants to restore the place of women in every sphere of society in Macedonia. I believe that God wants to give and release new revelation in the hearts of the women, new revelations about their value, about their worth, about their place and position not just in their homes as wife’s and mo...